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 Författare: Shaw, Raynor (visar 1 - 2)
Grinding Machines and Their use, the Main Principles, Equipment and Methods of Precision Grinding Based on Long Experience in the Design, Construction, and Application of Grinding Machines, for -- Bok 9781018551739  
Grinding Machines and Their use, the Main Principles, Equipment and Methods of Precision Grinding Based on Long Experience in the Design, Construction, and Application of Grinding Machines, for

Thomas Raynor Shaw
Inbunden. Legare Street Press, 2022.

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Grinding Machines and Their use, the Main Principles, Equipment and Methods of Precision Grinding Based on Long Experience in the Design, Construction, and Application of Grinding Machines, for -- Bok 9781018562391  
Grinding Machines and Their use, the Main Principles, Equipment and Methods of Precision Grinding Based on Long Experience in the Design, Construction, and Application of Grinding Machines, for

Thomas Raynor Shaw
Häftad. Legare Street Press, 2022.

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