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 Författare: Carolyn Michelle, Charles H Davis, Ann L Hardy, Craig Hight (visar 1 - 2)
Fans, Blockbusterisation, and the Transformation of Cinematic Desire -- Bok 9781137596154  
Fans, Blockbusterisation, and the Transformation of Cinematic Desire

Carolyn Michelle, Charles H Davis, Ann L Hardy, Craig Hight
Inbunden. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

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Fans, Blockbusterisation, and the Transformation of Cinematic Desire -- Bok 9781137596161  
Fans, Blockbusterisation, and the Transformation of Cinematic Desire

Carolyn Michelle, Charles H Davis, Ann L Hardy, Craig Hight
E-bok. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.

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