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 Författare: Gerard Ghibaudo (visar 1 - 2)
Effect of Disorder and Defects in Ion-Implanted Semiconductors: Electrical and Physiochemical Characterization -- Bok 9780080864426  
Effect of Disorder and Defects in Ion-Implanted Semiconductors: Electrical and Physiochemical Characterization

R K Willardson, Eicke R Weber, Constantinos Christofides, Gerard Ghibaudo
E-bok. Elsevier Science, Storbritannien, 1997.

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Effect of Disorder and Defects in Ion-Implanted Semiconductors: Optical and Photothermal Characterization -- Bok 9780080864433  
Effect of Disorder and Defects in Ion-Implanted Semiconductors: Optical and Photothermal Characterization

R K Willardson, Eicke R Weber, Constantinos Christofides, Gerard Ghibaudo
E-bok. Elsevier Science, Storbritannien, 1997.

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