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 Författare: Christine Padoch (visar 1 - 8)
Social Lives of Forests -- Bok 9780226024134  
Social Lives of Forests

Hecht Susanna B Hecht, Morrison Kathleen D Morrison, Padoch Christine Padoch
E-bok. University of Chicago Press, USA, 2014.

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The Social Lives of Forests -- Bok 9780226322667  
The Social Lives of Forests

Susanna B Hecht, Kathleen D Morrison, Christine Padoch
Inbunden. University of Chicago Press, USA, 2014.

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The Social Lives of Forests -- Bok 9780226322681  
The Social Lives of Forests

Susanna B Hecht, Kathleen D Morrison, Christine Padoch
Häftad. University of Chicago Press, USA, 2016.

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Conservation of Neotropical Forests -- Bok 9780231076029  
Conservation of Neotropical Forests

Kent Redford, Christine Padoch
Inbunden. Columbia University Press, USA, 1992.

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Conservation of Neotropical Forests -- Bok 9780231076036  
Conservation of Neotropical Forests

Kent Redford, Christine Padoch
Häftad. Columbia University Press, USA, 1999.

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The Amazon Vrzea -- Bok 9789400701458  
The Amazon Vrzea

Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Mauro L Ruffino, Christine Padoch, Eduardo S Brondzio
Inbunden. Springer, 2010.

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Amazon Varzea -- Bok 9789400701465  
Amazon Varzea

Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Mauro L Ruffino, Christine Padoch, Eduardo S Brondizio
E-bok. Springer Netherlands, 2010.

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The Amazon Vrzea -- Bok 9789400790216  
The Amazon Vrzea

Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Mauro L Ruffino, Christine Padoch, Eduardo S Brondzio
Häftad. Springer, 2014.

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