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 Författare: Michel Le Moal (visar 1 - 6)
Neurobiology of Addiction -- Bok 9780080497372  
Neurobiology of Addiction

George F Koob, Michel Le Moal
E-bok. Elsevier Science, Storbritannien, 2005.

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Drugs, Addiction, and the Brain -- Bok 9780123869593  
Drugs, Addiction, and the Brain

George F Koob, Michael A Arends, Michel Le Moal
E-bok. Elsevier Science, USA, 2014.

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Alcohol -- Bok 9780128167946  

George F Koob, Michael A Arends, Mandy L McCracken, Michel Le Moal
E-bok. Elsevier Science, USA, 2021.

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Introduction to Addiction -- Bok 9780128167953  
Introduction to Addiction

George F Koob, Michael A Arends, Mandy L McCracken, Michel Le Moal
E-bok. Elsevier Science, USA, 2019.

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Opioids -- Bok 9780128169896  

George F Koob, Michael A Arends, Mandy L McCracken, Michel Le Moal
E-bok. Elsevier Science, USA, 2023.

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Psychostimulants -- Bok 9780128169919  

George F Koob, Michael A Arends, Mandy L McCracken, Michel Le Moal
E-bok. Elsevier Science, USA, 2020.

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